Spiritual Leaders Responding to Covid-19: An Interfaith Dialogue

Holy Name Medical Center administering the COVID-19 vaccine to the public in The Rodda Community Center in Teaneck on 1/13/2021. Jeff Rhode photo. Used by permission
Holy Name Medical Center administering the COVID-19 vaccine to the public in The Rodda Community Center in Teaneck on 1/13/2021. Jeff Rhode photo. Used by permission

We want to make known to you a very interesting conference that is being held next week, Friday July 16, on Zoom, focusing on a an interfaith approach to how faith leaders have charted a Covid-19 response. The conference is sponsored by Yeshiva University and Wurzweiler School of Social Work.

The time is 10am to 12.30pm EDT. Live on Zoom. The focus is on how various leaders have formed partnerships to meet the needs of the most underserved, within the boundaries of their faith communities. A focus on creating partnerships is in line with CDC advocacy and speaks to the need for inter-organizational cooperation.

The speakers include:

Elder Angela Overton, M.Dvi who has been instrumental in developing a major community program in Louisville,, KY. She holds a variety of positions in her community and church as well as the Senior Advisor for Interfaith Working Group for CTAC: The Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (Wash. DC)

Peter Gudaitis, M.Div. Exec. Director and CEO of New York Disaster Interfaith Services, Chair of N,Y, VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) and President of the National Disaster Interfaith Network.

Rabbi Eric Weiss: President and CEO of Bay Area Jewish Healing Center based in San Francisco.

Rev. Sarah Segal McCaskin, M.Div and LCSW Executive Director of the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute.


INFORMATION AT: https://www.yu.edu/wurzweiler/continuing-ed



1 Comment

  1. Your Yeshiva presentation this morning and discussion of the four points was inspiring. I am a baby-boomer and the Pandemic has been a struggle. I can especially relate more than ever to the speed of time, the need for greater socialization and the transition from material to spiritual.

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