Food is Love…Holiday Recipes
Sandy Taradash ponders the connection between Jewish food, holidays, memories and culture. [Read more…]
Sandy Taradash ponders the connection between Jewish food, holidays, memories and culture. [Read more…]
-OMG! – Heavens to Murgatroid! – WTF! -Holy Moley! -Oy Gevalt! -WTH! -Heavens to Betsy! -Oy Vey! -Fiddlesticks! This is a fine kettle of fish we’re in when we can’t understand the language of our [Read more…]
I met an old lady with a gracious disposition and a lovely smile Who, sadly, lives inside her head Because she has no memory of anything Other than being born in Ireland and milking cows. [Read more…]
The landscape of our holiday table is changing. Not every guest has celebrated with apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah or had cold cuts on Break-the-Fast or read from the Haggadah while eating matzah. Whether [Read more…]
My hero is my Bubbe. Rose Ruchel Zupnik/Anne Hinka Glebmen Glabman. She had many names because her life took her on a journey where she had to phase into new personas. The interesting fact is [Read more…]
Sandy Taradash recalls Passovers of her youth and a day spent cooking gefilte fish, that most unusual of Jewish delicacies, with her Bubbe. [Read more…]
Why is it that weeks before Pesach I unconsciously start planning when and how I will start Spring Cleaning my house? It’s because I see my deceased Bubbe floating over me like in Tevye’s dream [Read more…]
It was a dark and dreary, rainy day, perfect for reading, when I recently completed another one of my Jewish novels, The Fruit of Her Hands: The Story of Shira of Ashkenaz, by Michelle Cameron. [Read more…]
This past week I visited a youngish middle-aged woman in the hospital. She had waged war against breast cancer for three difficult, trying years and finally, after genetic testing, decided that a double mastectomy was [Read more…]
My Bubbe was a wise sage, Russian born, orphaned by the time she was nine months old, separated from three of her four siblings while she and a sister were raised by their wealthy/rabbi/merchant maternal [Read more…]
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