Hula and Hora? Tzedaka and Aloha?
In the wake of the devastating fires that ravaged Maui, Sandy Taradash compares Jewish and Hawaiian culture of caring and compassion. [Read more…]
In the wake of the devastating fires that ravaged Maui, Sandy Taradash compares Jewish and Hawaiian culture of caring and compassion. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, author and humorist Matt Goldberg discusses his forthcoming book, Rings of Kindness, an anthology that features more than 80 true stories of [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff, BCC, writes about the plague of darkness. [Read more…]
A new guest contributor, Rabbi Gustav Buchdahl, discusses Jewish thinking about coping with disasters and catastrophes. [Read more…]
Rabbi Address’s Note: Alden Solovy, the liturgist, poet and prayer writer who chronicles so much of life, recently forwarded this beautiful meditation. His “Unfinished Business” really struck a chord as it speaks to thoughts that [Read more…]
JSA Contributor Carole Leskin reflects on friendship, companionship, and loss. [Read more…]
JSA contributor Marc Blesoff writes about self-compassion, ageism, and mortality. [Read more…]
A guest blog post by Alyssa Smith, MSW, LSW, a meditation instructor, leadership coach, and IJS-trained Wise Aging facilitator. [Read more…]
This guest post to Rabbi Address’ blog is by Rabbi David Levin. How do you tell Dad that Mom has died? This challenging question confronted old friends this past week. Compassion is such a difficult [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: Rabbi Mark Levin is the founding rabbi of Congregation Beth Torah in Overland Park, KS, and a contributor to Jewish Sacred Aging. People our age, my age, in our sixties and above, need [Read more…]
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