Prayer and Ritual — A Remedy for Depression and Anxiety
Scott Kushner writes about his journey from pharmacological solutions to his depression and anxiety to using a cognitive and meditative approach. [Read more…]
Scott Kushner writes about his journey from pharmacological solutions to his depression and anxiety to using a cognitive and meditative approach. [Read more…]
In this d’var Torah, Rabbi Stacy Rigler discusses how people may feel alone, unheard, and unnoticed. [Read more…]
JSA Contributor Lee Richmond discusses new approaches to emotional well-being for people approaching their nineties. [Read more…]
Rabbi Sandra Cohen reflects on her 20th “stroke-iversary” — the 20th anniversary of a near-fatal stroke, and how gratitude plays a role in her life since that day. [Read more…]
New contributor Rabbi Daniel Syme calls for increased attention to the growing suicide epidemic in America, particularly among baby boomers and the newly old. [Read more…]
In this month’s commentary, Sandy Taradash scrutinizes suicide, in the wake of two high-profile celebrity deaths. [Read more…]
A Sermon by Rabbi Gary M. Bretton-Granatoor Vice President of the World Union for Progressive Judaism Congregation Shirat HaYam, Nantucket “…I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse; choose life, therefore, that [Read more…]
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