Davar Mishpatim: What about friendship?
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff gleans some guidance about turning strangers into friends from this week’s parsha. [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff gleans some guidance about turning strangers into friends from this week’s parsha. [Read more…]
JSA Contributor Stefanie Levine Cohen writes an open letter to a friend she hasn’t met yet. [Read more…]
Cantor Rhoda Harrison, Ph.D., from Congregation M’kor Shalom in Cherry Hill, NJ, recalls a childhood friend who died much too early, and the continuing gift her memory provides. [Read more…]
Contributor Carole Leskin remembers her friend Dania, sitting on the bench that memorializes her. [Read more…]
One of the most memorable and influential people in my life was Mrs. Raboy. She was my second grade teacher. Unlike most of the other teachers at SC Elementary School she was not warm or [Read more…]
It wasn’t something I needed or wanted. Not something I secretly admired. It did not come wrapped in pretty paper. And it was not tied with a lovely bow. It was, in fact, rather ugly. [Read more…]
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