Seekers of Meaning-JSA Podcast

Dr. Jonathan Moreno, bioethicist, discusses his book, “Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die: Bioethics and the Transformation of Healthcare in America,” on the Seekers of Meaning Podcast

Dr. Jonathan Moreno, a bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania, discusses his new book, “Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven but Nobody Wants to Die: Bioethics and the Transformation of Healthcare in America.” [Read more…]

The Western Wall, Jerusalem/Steve Lubetkin Photo. Used by permission.

Is Heaven for Real?

Having hope about life after death doesn’t have to come from a just-right-for-Easter book in the Christian section of Barnes and Noble, writes Rabbi Stephen Karol. That hope can also come from the prayers of Yizkor, from the Shabbat prayers that we read when you are at your Temple to observe a yahrzeit, and from the prayers of the funeral and burial services of Judaism. [Read more…]