Aging from the Heart
JSA contributor Marc Blesoff realizes that aging serenely requires noticing and appreciating the world from the heart. [Read more…]
JSA contributor Marc Blesoff realizes that aging serenely requires noticing and appreciating the world from the heart. [Read more…]
Carole Leskin describes some of the life lessons learned from the first year of the COVID19 pandemic. [Read more…]
Sara Schneider, founder & CEO of The Human Journey, discussses how the program’s two-hour guided experience takes families of birth, families of choice, and support groups from suffering, isolation, and fragmentation to togetherness, meaning, and deep listening. [Read more…]
Carole Leskin writes about the isolation of face masks in the pandemic and their impact on people who want to smile at others. [Read more…]
Rabbi Stephen Karol writes on the scroll of his days through increased connections to learning opportunities online. [Read more…]
A friend of mine recently sent me an interesting article from the Sports Section of the New York Times (“Rested and Ready” by Peter Thamel, Aug. 29, 2010, p.13) about Urban Meyer, the very successful [Read more…]
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