Use it or lose it
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi finds meaning in a Talmud tractate where Rabbi Elezar loses and then recovers his Torah learning. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi finds meaning in a Talmud tractate where Rabbi Elezar loses and then recovers his Torah learning. [Read more…]
Rabbi Stephen Karol writes on the scroll of his days through increased connections to learning opportunities online. [Read more…]
As Baby Boomers, are we not living in the craziest reality ever? We have experienced the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy’s assassination, the Viet Nam War, the 60s Movement, Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘n Roll, man on [Read more…]
In this week’s Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, Rabbi Address goes on location at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in New York City to interview a long-time colleague, Rabbi Edythe Mencher, who coordinates the Union [Read more…]
I retired from the rabbinate almost three years ago. (A terrible confession: I don’t attend worship services all that much.) I am a dinosaur, a Jurassic Rabbi, and the Reform Judaism of today has pretty [Read more…]
There is a tradition with Judaism that the time between Pesach and Shavuot is spent studying the collection of sayings called Pirke Avot (Sayings of the Fathers). This collection of sayings is part of our Mishnah and [Read more…]
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