Grandparent Kaddish
Rabbi/Chaplain Laurie Kurs writes of the pain of mourning the death of a grandchild. [Read more…]
Rabbi/Chaplain Laurie Kurs writes of the pain of mourning the death of a grandchild. [Read more…]
Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss shares thoughts on how to make Tisha B’av again relevant to Jewish people. [Read more…]
Rabbi Laurie Kurs, BCC, discusses the role of the Kaddish prayer in our personal reflections about our departed loved ones. [Read more…]
Rabbi Daniel Roberts and Melinda Moore discuss post-traumatic growth, including a conversation about their book collaborations, The Suicide Funeral (or Memorial Service): Honoring their Memory, Comforting their Survivors and After the Suicide Funeral: Wisdom on the Path to Posttraumatic Growth. [Read more…]
Rabbi Sandra Cohen writes about the logistics surrounding a family death. [Read more…]
Guest contributor Jane Herman writes about her experience helping to organize a Reform chevra kadisha in New York City. [Read more…]
Continuing our content partnership with Neshama, the National Association of Jewish Chaplains, Rabbi/Chaplain Laurie Kurs writes about the journey from grief to recovery. [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff offers some resources for Jewish survivors of suicide loss. [Read more…]
New JSA Contributor Rabbi Pamela Wax shares some of her poetry, which helped her cope with the death of her brother. [Read more…]
Rabbi Vicki Axe describes the experience of being caregiver to her husband Harold and coping with loss and mourning during the pandemic. [Read more…]
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