Time Waits for No One
A Rolling Stones song helps Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss appreciate the passage of time. [Read more…]
A Rolling Stones song helps Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss appreciate the passage of time. [Read more…]
Rabbi Susan Elkodsi reflects on her most recent trip to Israel, the changes and accomplishments of the country, and changes in her own life. [Read more…]
Approaching: 2018…how does that resonate with you? Make you shudder? Make you wonder where all the years have gone? Make you leery/apprehensive/disbelieving that it wasn’t yesterday that you were turning 18? Oy, those were the [Read more…]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his year was the first time in a long time that I did not lead services on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Having recently left my chaplaincy position of 25 years (and where [Read more…]
Don’t say, “How is it that times past were better than these?” For it is not wise of you to ask that question. (Kohelet/Ecclesiastes 7:10) Although we won’t be reading this verse for several weeks [Read more…]
Rabbi Mark Levin, a colleague and close friend of Rabbi Address, originally posted this commentary to Facebook, and we repost it here with his permission. [Read more…]
Let me be up front and say that I enjoy Woody Allen films. That being said, let me urge you to drop what you may be doing and go out and see his new one, [Read more…]
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