Tisha B’Av: What is it all about?
Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss discusses the connection between Tisha B’av, which begins at sundown August 6, and Yom Kippur. [Read more…]
Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss discusses the connection between Tisha B’av, which begins at sundown August 6, and Yom Kippur. [Read more…]
Chaplain Barry Pitegoff reflects on the power of Memorial Day. [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: This essay by Rabbi Allen S. Maller was originally published on the blogs of The Times of Israel. It is republished here with Rabbi Maller’s kind permission. In just four weeks Jews will begin [Read more…]
Rabbi Mark H. Levin reflects on his life, and the values of altruism, love, and justice. [Read more…]
Rabbi Address shares a guest blog post from Rabbi Howard Shapiro, a sermon Rabbi Shapiro delivered at the National Association of Retired Reform Rabbis in Florida. [Read more…]
Rabbinic lore teaches that every person who was present at the revelation at Sinai heard the Divine Voice according to his/her specific abilities. It is at the root of the belief that worship experiences can [Read more…]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his year was the first time in a long time that I did not lead services on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. Having recently left my chaplaincy position of 25 years (and where [Read more…]
Don’t say, “How is it that times past were better than these?” For it is not wise of you to ask that question. (Kohelet/Ecclesiastes 7:10) Although we won’t be reading this verse for several weeks [Read more…]
Ok! Ok! Ok! We are all Baby Boomers who either fashion ourselves from Haight-Ashbury, Rodeo Drive, 5th Avenue or somewhere in between! We either care or we don’t care what we look like and the [Read more…]
The parsha entitled Chaye Sarah, the Life of Sarah, begins with Sarah’s death at the age of 127. Abraham purchases a burial site for his wife, the cave of Machpelah, from Ephron the Hittite for [Read more…]
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