Yom Kippur 5781: Yizkor For COVID-19 Victims
For Yom Kippur, Chaplain Barry Pitegoff offers a Yizkor prayer for COVID-19 victims. [Read more…]
For Yom Kippur, Chaplain Barry Pitegoff offers a Yizkor prayer for COVID-19 victims. [Read more…]
Sandy Taradash tries to figure out how to explain to her grandchildren the resurgence of anti-Semitism in the world 70 years after the end of World War II. [Read more…]
Rabbi Simcha Raphael writes about the story-telling surrounding Passover and how to make it meaningful. [Read more…]
Coming fifty days after the beginning of Passover and marking the appearance of the first fruits in the Land of Israel, Shavuot is one of five festivals whose observance is commanded in the Torah. Shifting [Read more…]
Tonight is the seventh night of Pesah, and for Israelis and Reform Jews, the final night. I have just lit a memorial candle in memory of our deceased first degree family members: Sylvia and Bob [Read more…]
Editor’s Note: This commentary is adapted from Rabbi Raphael’s April 1, 2015 article in the Philadelphia Jewish Exponent. On Yom Kippur, it is traditional to recite Yizkor prayers in memory of deceased loved ones. The [Read more…]
There is, perhaps, no greater marker to the first wave of Boomers than November 22, 1963. It was out generation’s “I remember where I was when….” My parents always spoke about Pearl Harbor and when [Read more…]
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