And Then You Remember…
This essay by Rabbi Dennis Sasso, Senior Rabbi at Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, Indianapolis, Indiana, was originally published by the Times of Israel. We republish it with Rabbi Sasso’s permission. [Read more…]
This essay by Rabbi Dennis Sasso, Senior Rabbi at Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, Indianapolis, Indiana, was originally published by the Times of Israel. We republish it with Rabbi Sasso’s permission. [Read more…]
Rabbi Daniel Roberts, rabbi emeritus of Temple Emanu El in Orange Village (near Cleveland), Ohio, discusses his work creating rituals for retirement on the Oct. 9, 2020 Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast. [Read more…]
Rabbi Richard Hirsh describes the challenges of downsizing and planning a retirement during a pandemic lockdown. [Read more…]
Rabbi Richard Hirsh discusses mindfulness-based stress reduction as an entry point into retirement. [Read more…]
Elana Marcus provides some advice for boomers about adjusting to life as an older adult. [Read more…]
“Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!” Ingrid Bergman “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should [Read more…]
It was December 29, 2016. A bright winter sun pierced the spaces between the blinds causing me to wake up a bit earlier than usual. I opened my eyes gently and did not move, unwilling [Read more…]
The guests on the August 30, 2016 Boomer Generation Radio are Dr. Virgil Hoftiezer, retired Associate Director and Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and Allan Spector, co-author with Keith [Read more…]
On the July 5, 2016 episode of Boomer Generation Radio, the guest for the hour is John Diffey, who retired recently as president and CEO of Kendal Corporation, the Quaker-based provider of continuing care retirement [Read more…]
PROGRAM NOTE: The Jewish Sacred Aging Podcast, which is normally released on Fridays, is taking this week off for Passover, but will be back again next Friday. On the April 19, 2016 Boomer Generation [Read more…]
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