Be Culturally Radical: Live As If You Are Dying
Reb Simcha Raphael provides some reflections on Yizkor. [Read more…]
Reb Simcha Raphael provides some reflections on Yizkor. [Read more…]
Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss discusses the connection between Tisha B’av, which begins at sundown August 6, and Yom Kippur. [Read more…]
With this post, we inaugurate “Kol Bo,” a new section on JewishSacredAging.com devoted to written contributions of poetry and essays from our community that don’t fit under the headings of our other areas of practice. [Read more…]
Is a picture still worth a thousand words? We don’t talk of “pictures” much anymore, nor of “flashbulbs.” We speak of “images” now. However, a proverb may be worth a thousand words … or more. [Read more…]
Rabbi Dr. Steven Moss thinks about Yom Kippur and its power to evoke memory. [Read more…]
On this week’s episode of the Seekers of Meaning TV Show and Podcast, Rabbi Address offers a special message and thoughts about the meaning of the Jewish High Holy Days in this year’s continuing COVID-19 [Read more…]
For Yom Kippur, Chaplain Barry Pitegoff offers a Yizkor prayer for COVID-19 victims. [Read more…]
In this meditation for Yom Kippur, Rabbi Stephen Karol discusses the Psalms, the brevity of humanity and the eternity of God. [Read more…]
On this episode of the Seekers of Meaning Podcast and TV Show, two mid-career rabbis, Rabbi Geri Newburge, rabbi at Main Line Reform Temple/Beth Elohim, in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and Rabbi Matt Soffer, senior rabbi at Judea Reform Congregation, Durham, North Carolina, discuss their plans for observing the High Holy Days with their congregations and issues affecting their rabbinates. [Read more…]
A modern version of the “Al cheyt” confessional prayer compiled by Leonard H. Berman and inspired by Dennis Praeger. [Read more…]
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