Universal Tikvah for 2025

Argentina, Chile and the Andes mountains
Argentina, Chile and the Andes mountains by NASA Johnson is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0

The following content reflects my experiences and thoughts, with no disrespect to anyone and their views

What was that? A bird? A plane? A drone?

No, it was 2024. A year that many are very happy to forget while awaiting a new year that will open like a huge door for all the possibilities to enter. I can safely say that this past year has brought us to the forefront of really not believing what we have seen and experienced with scenarios that looked plausible, but certainly, not likely to ever happen, but did.

Like the hostages still in captivity. Like Jews arguing with Jews over Israel. Like everyone’s different opinions about Israel’s conduct of its war. Like the US Presidential election. Like people pitted against one another over politics.

It feels as though some of our scariest Twilight Zone — 1984 fears and science-fiction state-of-affairs have become some of today’s BREAKING NEWS!

I awoke this morning to another school shooting where two people died in a city where my granddaughter attends college. I’m SICK of legislators not taking action of gun control, especially when such a tragedy hits where your loved ones are.

What do we do about these everyday events? Do we wonder/worry what kind of country/world our grandkids will be living in when we’re gone? Do we have to be an on-going record of telling them, “In the old days…”?

Where I sit in Northern California, I feel helpless, at a loss and full of fear for the future of democracy as we witness the possible dismantling of what took almost 250 years to build. Are we heading into a Constitutional Crisis? If it can happen to America, could it happen to other countries?

As Jews, we know how one evil man can change the world. Many in America today have cries of, “We didn’t pay attention in 1939!” “We vowed never to forget!” Citizens are in great fear that democratic values will be gone as we have already witnessed NO CHOICE for women, banning of treasured books, gay/LGBT/queer/transgender rights in question, pardoning of criminals while some are above the law.

The November 2024 election was a shock to America! I stood in front of the TV and turned to my son and said, “What’s happening?” He replied, “She lost!” The jolt, disbelief and astonishment are still in front of many while we wonder how we will survive the next four years and how the worth of democracy, values, morals, kindness and love are conveyed to our kids/grandkids if our leaders do not set a high level of examples for the people of this country and beyond.

We are afraid for the road our democracy is travelling on while turning a corner that may take generations to find its way back to civility. If it can happen to America, could it happen to other countries?

It’s very sad when politics becomes personal. My dearest cousin and I have not seen each other nor had a real conversation since 2016. The very few times we’ve spoken have been about family, short and to the point and not the fun easy dialogue we have shared for over 70 years. After the 2016 election, I posted on Facebook my dissatisfaction over the new president and in response, NOT in a private text or email, my cousin called me vicious and delusional on Facebook! I tried on Yom Kippur to forgive the slap I received but my hurt still stings.

This same relative has two daughters and two granddaughters and it’s beyond me how any women or father of girls and granddaughters can support a president that takes away women’s rights. My son is gay (you should all have a son as incredible as he is!) and a vote against gays is another assault. This same person posted that voting Republican is a vote for Israel and that Democrats don’t care about Israel. Nothing could be further from the truth.

How could politics and one man get in the way of family relationships?

Truthfully, I have distanced myself from some friends that voted the other way because I am so confused at their critical thinking AND the fact that they admit to NOT listening to the news or researching issues! Then how do you decide who you are voting for?

I have discovered that too many women voted for who their husbands say is the best candidate, while commenting “Oh, he knows best.”

When I asked one friend why she was voting her candidate, she replied with, “My husband says the current administration ruined the economy and didn’t do anything for the country.” When I asked her specifics, she said, “Oh, I don’t know anything about that.”

After knowing these friends for more than 40-45 years, I am wondering who they really are and what is important to them. I guess I took for granted that our children and grandchildren’s future was what was important.

This scenario was startling: A friend called to tell me how outraged she was that her son cancelled his flight to spend Thanksgiving with her because, “I won’t sit at the Thanksgiving table with your friends who put the person in office who is jeopardizing my children’s future.” She asked if I could believe he would do this and I actually said, “Yes.” I don’t believe she heard the satisfaction in my voice that he stood up for his convictions.

And Israel. What can I say that so many of us haven’t thought, felt and debated? Who would have ever thought we would be in a position to question the actions in our beloved Holy Land and the decisions of its leaders? It feels so unbelievable to think Jews would argue with one another the motives of the government.

It doesn’t feel right to take sides. We know the history of Israel; we know who and how the fight for its independence took place and the love Jews all over the world have for its history. But it appears many of us are between a rock and a hard place deciding if the actions of the Israeli leaders are being put in acts of over aggression or self-defense. Is this about legacy for certain individuals who will soon be out of power or is it to combat the forces of evil against Israel. And can it be both?

I’ve had two uncomfortable experiences where groups of people had heated debates, well, really arguments, over the state of Israel’s tactics:

I was invited to a dinner party with a group of Jewish friends who have known each other for years and some have traveled to Israel together. These people are fun, lively and dedicated to Judaism, their synagogue, Jewish charities, some even having their children’s Bar/Bat Mitzvahs in Israel.

The dessert discussion got out of hand when the divided opinions escalated over aggression versus legacy and became a screaming match! Voices were loud, names were called and the host finally had to usher everyone out of his house! The phone calls back and forth from the guests went on for days with the division still evident. It was embarrassing for the host and his wife, but it was a clear picture of Jews against Jews with no holds barred!

A new neighbor moved into my condo area, and as often happens, a greeting gathering of women for a quaint tea party took place. These are a mixture of Jews and non-Jews, educated, well read ladies. Discussion is always of non-controversial current events, grandkids, recipes with the current political climate NEVER to have been uttered for years.

I respected that everyone kept the gatherings light and cheerful. The newcomer was unaware of this unsaid practice and proceeded to voice her distain for Israel and how the Palestinians were being treated and her distinctive ideas for punishing Israel! Don’t ask! Some tried to keep the conversation civil while a few berated the government, using offensive language while being critical of Jews. A few of us tried to change the subject, calm down the rhetoric while pouring more tea. Didn’t end pretty. Not sure when a tea party will happen again!

All of these scenarios make me scream OY VEY!

So, my overall concern is our children and grandchildren. I know how great America can be. I also see our short-comings and the work we must do to keep the sacred values this country was founded on: Respect! Kindness! Equality for all! Inclusion! And most importantly DEMOCRCY!

I would hope Israel would have the same foundational beliefs, intrinsic values, ethical pillars and cultural cornerstones. As Jews, we can’t forsake the land of Israel nor the Israelis.

Prayers that in 2025, a cry for PEACE FOR ALL MAN/WOMEN KIND is universal…May you and yours be blessed with all that is good in the world…May the hostages come home!….Sandy

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