Yom HaShoah, תשפ’ד

Jerusalem, Israel - Detail of the memorial at Yad Vashem to Janos Korczak, a Polish teacher who accompanied his students to a Nazi death camp. Photography Copyright ©2011 Steven L. Lubetkin Used by permission.
Jerusalem, Israel - Detail of the memorial at Yad Vashem to Janos Korczak, a Polish teacher who accompanied his students to a Nazi death camp. Photography Copyright ©2011 Steven L. Lubetkin Used by permission.

A Yom HaShoah prayer-poem for 5784, in the form of a vision, imagining how the souls of murdered in the Holocaust might respond to the souls of the murdered in the Hamas shock assault of October 7, 2023. The Holocaust victims in heaven purposefully misquote verses from four Psalms–Psalms 121 and 129-131–reframing them as questions, rather than asserting them as statements of faith.

Yom HaShoah, תשפ’ד
In the precincts of heaven,
The Six Million assemble,
Guiding the newly murdered
To the sacred courtyards,
While the defenders of Israel stand guard
On the ramparts and at the gates.
As they approach the inner courtyard,
The multitudes sing psalms,
Not as praise, as questions:

Does the Guardian of Israel
Slumber and sleep? (Ps 121)
Will You cut the bonds of the wicked? (Ps 129)
From the depths I call out;
Do You hear my voice? (Ps 130)
Shall we put our hope in You? (Ps 131)

In the courtyards of heaven
The Six Million assemble,
Bringing with them the
Newly murdered.
With their blood and tears
They entreat the Holy of Holies:
Free the hostages.
Protect Your people.
Save our land.
To the living they declare:

© 2024 Alden Solovy and ToBendLight

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